Justin Butcher

Chief Executive - Pinnacle
Director - Pinnacle Ventures Ltd Board

The Pinnacle Chief Executive is appointed as a Director of the Pinnacle Ventures Ltd Board by the Executive Committee.

Justin has been with Pinnacle since 2013 in a variety of roles, and has over 20 years’ experience working in New Zealand’s health system. His general practice knowledge, and clinical background as an intensive care paramedic, give him a deep understanding of the complexities the health workforce face on a daily basis.

Health system leadership is Justin’s area of special interest, and he holds a Masters in Strategic Leadership and Innovation. Justin enjoys fostering collaboration to solve problems and develop new services. He played a key role in the development of the Te Manawanui integrated primary mental health and addiction service, and establishing Pinnacle’s partnership with Parihaka Papakāinga Trust to deliver culturally appropriate health care in the Taranaki region.

Connect with Justin on LinkedIn Justin is a member of the following leadership teams:

Te Taumata Hauora Māori

Pinnacle Leadership Team